Course code:
Anno accademico:
Academic year:
Titolo del corso:
Course title:
Business and Marketing
1 - Marketing Management
1 - Marketing Managment
Docente 1:
Teacher 1:
Prof. Peter Keller
Ruolo Docente 1:
Teacher 1:
Modalitā 1:
Type 1:
Settore scientifico-disciplinare:
Reference sector:
SECS-P/08 Economia e gestione delle imprese
Anno di corso:
Year of degree course:
secondo quanto indicato nei piani di studio
According to the student's study plan
Lingue e Letterature Straniere
Modalitā di frequenza:
Non obbligatoria
Sub period:
Numero totale di crediti:
Total credits:
Carico di lavoro
Attività frontale:
Applied activities:
Studio individuale:
Individual work:
Attività didattica a piccoli gruppi:
Group work:
TOTALE (voci sopra-elencate):
Ore di lezione settimanali:
nessun particolare prerequisito
No particular requirements
Obiettivi formativi:
Educational goals:
l corso vuole fornire una panoramica dell'offerta di beni e servizi nella domanda turistica. Verranno presentate l'organizzazione industriale e i cambiamenti strutturali nelle impree turistiche. Verranno presentate strategie di business per la sopravvivenza all'intero di un sistema, come quello turistico, altamente competitivo, con l'analisi dei corrispondenti business model.
The course wants to give an insight into the supply of goods and services in the demand driven tourism sector. The industrial organisation and the structural change in the characteristics tourism related industries will be presented. Business strategies for surviving in the competitive tourism environment and corresponding business model are presented and discussed. The students should know the characteristics of tourism related industries. They should understand the innovation and cooperation processes which induce structural change. Furthermore, they should master the analysis of the structure of tourism related industries and be able to reduce the complex reality of companies by designing a business model. The course will be interactive since front teaching will be enriched by discussion of business cases. The students have to write homework on a business model of a firm in one of the industries presented during the course.
Contenuto del corso:
Course contents:
Organizzazione industriale dell'offerta turistica: caratteristiche delle imprese turistiche: il concetto di offerta, analisi industriale sistematica, business strategies e business models, comptetitivitā e produttivitā delle industrie e delle compagnie Il processo di innovazione in campo turistico: imprenditoria come scarsa risorsa, innovazione come un processo di mercato, le caratteristiche del processo di innovazione nel turismo, SMe's e l'innovazione La necessitā di cooperazione e integrazione: le nozioni, i principi di cooperazione nel campo turistico, consolidamento attraverso l'integrazione, tendenze attraverso la competizione in un contesto di oligopolio
Characteristics of tourism related industries (The concepts of supply, Systematic industrial analysis, Business strategies and business models, Competitiveness and productivity of industries and companies), The process of innovation in the field of tourism( Entrepreneurship as scarce resource, Innovation as market process, The characteristics of the innovation process in tourism, SME's and innovation), The necessity of cooperation and integration (The notions, Principles of cooperation in the field of touris,Consolidation trough integration, The trend towards oligopolistic competition), Structural change in the tourism related industries (Uncertainties in the field of tour operating, Profit problem of the airline industry, Mature rent a car industry, Booming cruise ship industry), The hospitality and leisure industry (Trend to hybrid accommodation, Innovative catering industry, Cable car industry under threat of changes in the consumer preferences, Trends in leisure mobility and outdoor recreation) Cases will be put forward for explaining in depth major issues of the course
Testo di riferimento 1:
Course text 1:
OECD, Innovation and Growth in Tourism, OECD, Paris 2006, (pagine/pages: 146)
Testo di riferimento 2:
Course text 2:
UNWTO/UQAM, Tourism in the era of alliances, merger and acquisition, UNWTO, ISBN: 92-844-0514-9, Madrid 2002, (pagine/pages: 157)
Testo di riferimento 3:
Course text 3:
Letture integrative saranno dipsonibili sul sito dell'universitā. Qui sotto i riferimenti Porter, M (2007), Micro-economic Foundation of Prosperity, in: WEF Competitiveness Report, p. 29-56 Keller, P., Bieger, T. (2007), Productivity in Tourism, ESV, Berlin, p. 1-10 Keller, P. (2006), Toward an innovation oriented tourism policy, in: OECD, Innovation and Tourism, Paris, 17-40 Keller, P. (2004), The future of small and medium enterprises, Vol. 46, AIEST, St. Gallen, p. 7-21
Metodi didattici:
Teaching activities:
lezioni frontali con power point, analisi di casi di studio
Lectures using power point, analysis of case histories.
Struttura della verifica del profitto:
Descrizione verifica del profitto:
tre domande aperte il primo appello dopo il corso č rivolto esclusivamente ai frequentanti
Three open-ended questions. The first session after the course is only for attending students.
Lingua di insegnamento:
Teaching language:
Altre informazioni:
Other information:
a lezione verrā comunicato un programma specifico per frequentanti che prevede la redazione di una prevede lo studio di un caso, con la redazione di una breve tesina e la presentazione in aula.
Specific programme for attending student: The student will have to submit a text about the business model of a firm and present it to the class. Further details will be given by the professor at the first course. The paper should not be more than 5 pages accompanied by a short power point presentation. The elaboration and presentation of the business case count for 50% of the final mark of each student. The written exam on the matters dealt with in the course counts for 50% of final mark